Starting a New Software Development Project or Task?

Most Software Developers, including myself, want to just dig in and start writing code. You understand the problem and you have a solution (all in your head). Time to write code!

Code is written and you've tested the solution and it's working perfectly. You're happy!

You set up a meeting with the Quality Assurance person or team... They take notes and test it.  They're satisified and it's working as it should. So, it's deployed to Production.

A week later, a bug was uncovered... No problem just fix the code.

Now the program has been running flawlessly in Production for a couple of years and still meets the business needs perfectly. You're proud of your efforts and you should be! That's impressive!

While most can do a good job in getting the task at hand done in this manner, going back at making code changes to a project that you haven't hardly thought about for a long time, and started this way , is tough! You may even ask yourself, did I write that?... Hopefull, you don't say, "This is terrible, who wrote this!"🤣 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Why would you ever do that? Everybody knows you need to document first!  It's because you committed to a timeline in your sprint and your goal and what your paid for is to meet that deadline!

So, how do I spend all that time documenting everything and still get the project done in time?

I believe the answer is Spend the time! Put documentation time into your time estimate.

How should you start a project? Five simple steps:

  1. Define the Problem. First, know what the result should be. Then what input do I need to get that result?
  2. Plan the solution... Yes, even in the year 2100, this will still be needed!
  3. Code the solution.  (Yes! This is what I love to do!)
  4. Test the solution.
  5. Document the application.

Steps 1-3 all can be done through the evolvement of a diagram... And nowadays, the tools to do this are fantastic and will only get better.

My favorite tool for this is, now This tool is free! And I love it.  Here's a sample diagram:
Browse the blog for more helpful tips and thoughts and look for more to come...


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